
Showing posts from December, 2021

World Soil Day: Here's What You Should Know

  Oddly, we don't often appreciate the ground beneath us even when we know that healthy soil is critical to our future.  Soil is highly underappreciated as, without soil, the world wouldn't have any food security. Fortunately, there's a day dedicated to highlighting the need for healthy and improved soil and maintaining it that way.   World Soil Day Soil degradation is among the major environmental challenges. It happens when soil health weakens due to overuse or lack of soil management. So, each year on December 5th, World Soil Day (WSD) is celebrated annually to raise awareness about the benefits of healthy soil and its sustainable nutrients.   History Of World Soil Day In 2002, the Worldwide Union of Soil Sciences proposed establishing an annual international day to honor and raise awareness of soil on December 5th. Under the supervision of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) encouraged the es...

CBD For Dementia

  CBD or Cannabidiol consists of several medicinal benefits without making people feel any high emotions. The CBD oil works great for anxiety and stress issues. Usually, people do confuse CBD with Marijuana or THC ( Tetrahydrocannabinol ) compound. But CBD is different and comes from specific Cannabic plants.                                                                       How CBD Helps With Dementia  CBD works in different ways when it comes to treating Dementia. It can aid in reducing inflammation, behaves as a neuroprotectant, brain stimulant. It helps minimize or  eliminate  dead brain cells as well as protein tang...